Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A., through this privacy policy informs the USERS of the website about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of the users and clients’ personal data that may be collected by the navigation or services hiring through our website.

In this sense, Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. informs you that your data will be treated in accordance with the regulations in force regarding the privacy policy, according to what is established in the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of 27th of April of 2016 (RGPD).

The use of this website implies the acceptance of this privacy policy.

Responsible for the Treatment

Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. is the owner of the website

Social address: Juan de la Cierva, 52 – 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona)

Telephone: +34 938 488 252


1. Data collection

Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A.reports that the data obtained via this website, the forms of it and the ones received by e-mail are those that are voluntarily provided by the user, which derive from relations and communications with the company and information that is legitimately removable from the data we deal with.

In the same way, we also obtain data through third party information provided by the user or third parties prior to the consent of the same, existing a legitimate basis.

2. Purpose of obtaining and collection of data

Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A.will treat the data provided to it with the aim to offer you the products and/or services you have hired, to manage your queries or requests and any other assumption that may be necessary to fulfill the commercial relations you keep with us.

Also, the data will be treated to send you commercial communications, always with your prior consent, as well as to analyze browsing habits.

In case of wanting to be part of Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. ‘s team, the data of the users and the documentation provided to us will be treated in order to evaluate the profile of the candidate and to consider it for possible vacancies in the company.

3. Data treatment

In accordance with the applicable regulations, Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A.undertakes to treat the data to which we have access to by applying the appropriate technical, preventive and organisational measures. In this way we guarantee the highest level of security and the optimum levels of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the services and data management systems.

4. Communication of information to third parties

Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. informs users that their personal data will not be transferred to third organizations, except that such transfer of data is covered by a legal obligation or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a treatment manager. In this last one case, only the transfer to a third party of the data will be carried out when Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. has the express consent of the user.

It is possible that some of our suppliers, for example Google, process data outside the borders of the European Union. In this cases, we require the supplier to be attached to a protocol for the adequacy of data protection approved by the European Union.

5. Time of data storage

Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. will keep all the user’s data until the moment in which its deletion is expressly requested or, on the contrary, until the end of the business relation with our company. In this case, the data will be deleted when the expected legal terms are fulfilled.

6. Rights of the users

You will always be able to exercise the rights of access, rectification, abolition, limitation, opposition and portability in accordance with the provisions of the current legal regulations regarding privacy policy.

To make use of this rights, you will have to address by written communication, providing documentation that confirms your identity (ID card or passport), to the following address:

Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A., Juan de la Cierva, 52 – 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona)

or via e-mail address:

This communication must indicate clearly and concisely your identifying and accrediting data, as well as your application regarding your data.

7. Responsibilities of the users

The user is responsible for all the data provided and sent to Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. are truthful, accurate, updated, effective and authentic.

It is also responsible for the consent given to the company for its treatment and use. In the same way, the user is responsible for the data of third parties facilitated to us, regarding to which it is obligated to have express consent.

8. Legislation and jurisdiction

The fact of entering to a website and in the applications of Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A. implies the acceptance of the conditions set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not accept these conditions, you should avoid using and visiting our website.

Any kind of inconvenience and controversy that could occur, will be governed by the Spanish legislation and will be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the closest city to the registered office of Maquinaria de Envase y Embalaje París, S.A.